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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Just the beginning!

New on a blog!
So I am not a person who fully knows how blogs function so this should be interesting... But I know I love to write and talk so ha! I can do it. For my first post I was planing to have a little picture comic that I wanted to make but naa. Lets just ramble on about something random like politics! Of course so many people would love me for that right? Right? Just NO!
So This is a Blog about having a Blog. How do you like that one! Like learning how this site even works... That was weird... Ummm let me think about trying to actually learn how to make a blog... It was weird is the best explanation!

Now onto something totally not blog worthy! Trying to plug in a calculator! I give you pictures! The plug and the calculator doesn't look like it would fit but it does. When I first got it I was so confused of how it actually charged! My brain thought that the calculator would be hurt by plugging it in... Sad brain.